Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Seeing What Is

Too many of us spend our time worrying about where we should be in our schedule or program. We feel dismay at the fact that the kids are not where we hoped they would be. Often we lament the way the school is run, or complain about the supplies we don't have. It is easy to spend our entire lives upset because things are not the way we feel they are supposed to be. In doing this we miss all of those wonderful moments which occur everyday right under our noses. It takes a lot of courage to accept things for what they are. When we do this we stop our constant complaining and are no longer able to blame others when things aren't quite up to par. Don't confuse this with ignoring problems and doing nothing to improve situations. Rather it is the wisdom of allowing things to be just the way they are at the moment. We then can look clearly around us and decide on where we are going to proceed, without being clouded by wishful thinking and disatisfaction.

St. Francis said it best:
"Grant me the serenity to accept that which I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


How many people think that life is a constant struggle, that the world owes them something and it usually fails to deliver? How much of this attitude do we pass on to our kids? Realize it is a miracle that you are alive. Remember the beauty of life around you and then help your kids to see the same. Take time during the day to have your kids express gratitude for all that life has to offer. Have them convey gratitude to one another. Don't let the day go by without telling them how much you appreciate them. When you truly see all the blessings you have, your life becomes much more alive and fullfilled. Give your children the opportunity to learn this early in life so that it becomes a way of living.