Most people walk around half asleep, plugged into various devices, checking their texts or simply with their minds on other things. While this is happening, much of life is passing us by. Wonderful and beautiful moments are lost while we are absorbed in other things. Our kids are starting on that path because that is what they have been taught by example. However, we have the chance to help them unlearn these habits by becoming mindful and returning to the moment. A simple bell rung occasionally in class, or a clap of the hand, can be a reminder for all of us to stop for just a moment and return to the present. Slowing our pace down and truly enjoying what we are doing is another way for kids to learn mindfulness. Think of other ways you can help bring your kids and yourself back to the moment, brainstorm with your students. Allowing youth to develop the practice of mindfulness is something that will give true meaning to their lives and help them to savour much of what many people miss.