People are always looking for happiness, it's even in the U.S. constitution. Kids bounce the word around constantly. They are happy because they did well on a test, it is their birthday or they have a candy. Teachers carry on the same way. Happiness is a weekend, a holiday or a new car. For some reason we have this idea that there is this event or thing that magically has the power to bring us happiness. But when we are not happy for one of these tangible reasons, then what are we? If these things were taken away could it be possible to still be happy? Why are some people content and at peace whether they have something or not?
All of this shows that we have missed something along the way and our children are growing up with the same sense of need and lack. The good news is that there is really nothing missing in our lives at all. It's all made up. We are alive and that in itself is a miracle. Somewhere we have forgotten to see that magic all around us. It is cliched but a poignant truth that we fail to smell the roses. And worse still, we teach our kids to ignore the roses and go looking for happiness elsewhere. Well, it ain't there. It's right here all the time. Please help your kids to see that the world and life is a wonder and gift from the universe. It isn't always going to be pretty but we are here and believe it or not that can be enough. And when we see that we can enjoy our candy, our car or our vacation without being attached to them.