Friday, September 14, 2012

Seeing The Whole Of The Sky

One of the greatest gifts we can give to our kids is to help expand their world. Kids start off with a very small universe, mostly devoted to getting their needs met. As they get older this space begins to grow, away from self, to include others. For some people this only inflates so far before it becomes clogged with personal drama and old stories. Many folk spend their entire lives in this bubble, never seeing the true size of their world. In tantric thought, this is concentrating on the clouds and never truly seeing the wide open sky. We owe it to our children to help them move away from their ego centered existence, so that they are able to enjoy the vastness of life. This isn't easy, as we are often plagued by the same turbulence in our own lives. Truth is, we need to remember that these are only clouds, waves on the ocean if you will. Mind you, sometimes they are huge black thunderheads, tsunami sized waves. But beyond this the sky still reaches out, clear and still. Whenever we help kids see that no matter what is going on in life, life is still there waiting for them and while we don't minimize their issues, we can help them to see that all clouds eventually pass away and reveal the endless sky.

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