Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy New Year?

Are you happy teaching? Think really carefully about this. When you come home in the evening are you feeling good about what you did today and do you wake up looking forward to the day? Now don't confuse being tired or frustrated, or not wanting to get out of bed on a dark, cold winter morning with being unhappy. You're human and these kinds of feelings are normal. But if you look deeply, honestly, you will know the answer to that first question. If you can't truthfully answer yes, then a few of things need to happen. First, you need to start stepping back and witnessing what you are doing in the class. What makes teaching unfullfilling, what turns it into a chore.? Then you need to ask yourself if are there things you can change that will alter your outlook, make teaching fun again. Having considered that, you come to the most important question of all. Do you really want to change those things so that you can enjoy teaching? That fact is, you are dealing with people's lives here. Much of what you say and do, the energy you give off, can have a profound effect on your kids. If you are teaching for the wrong reasons, if your realize that perhaps this is not your cup of tea after all, please have the courage to re-evaluate your career choice before you do more damage than good. And if you decide that you really love being with kids, but perhaps you are just a little tired or jaded, then go back to the drawing board and decide what it is you can do change things. Remember, you aren't going to change the kids, so you'd better look to yourself if you want changes. Perhaps this is a little harsh, but believe it or not, what you are doing is important and can have an influence which will last longer than your career. Have a happy new year (with a lower case n and y).