Wednesday, December 2, 2009

keeping the wonder

Our world is full of miracles: an acorn becoming a mighty oak, a starry night in the middle of winter, a dragonfly or humingbird. Like other aspects of nature scientists have discovered much about the workings of these phenomena. Children are also curious to learn about the world around them. But please remember that sometimes a flower is just a flower, a marvel of nature, something that can give us a sense of wonder, gratitude for being alive. In our haste to teach
kids about the world, be mindful to always keep your own sense of astonishment alive and well, so that you will never quench a child's awe and amazement at the miracle of existence.

1 comment:

  1. As parents, the best we can do is become engaged in our child's education. Allow your child to see you in his 'daytime world', participate as much and as often as their school will allow. Become a part of what makes up his 'learning' experience. At home, it will be more natural for your child to continue to learn and ask for your help and guidance if she has difficulty learning. This will also open the door for more frank communication. I have, and it works!
